We Buy New Houses | Home Buyers in Chicago Heights
Selling a property in Chicago Heights? We buy new houses. In addition to buying homes, we also buy condos, land, & apartment buildings throughout the Chicago Heights Region. Experience THE Fast & Convenient Sale: Make NO Repairs & Just Sell it As Is! Get an Instant Online Quote-just enter your zip code to get started.
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We Buy Houses in Chicago Heights
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United States · IL · CHICAGO HEIGHTS
List of New Homes in Chicago Heights, IL
Browse our list of newest homes in . Click on a home address to view property details.
- 410E22ndSt
- 379HickorySt
- 419W16thPl
- 1601PetersonAve
- 351IrisLn
- 296E16thSt
- 1672BuenaVistaAve
- 1130SeeleyAve
- 340StandishSt
- 30E19thPl
- 280W17thSt
- 550W15thPl
- 608W16thSt
- 1224WilsonAve
- 1307ScottAve
- 160SerenaDr
- 1887AndoverCt
- 172StrieffAve
- 121KathleenLn
- 729CedarLn
- 292W17thSt
- 637SHalstedSt
- 224WRayeDr
- 27CharingCrossRd
- 223LynnLn
- 1608HanoverSt
- 563W15thSt
- 551ShellyLn
- 1938RevereSt
- 34W23rdSt
- 600BrooklineSt
- 1608ThornSt
- 1242VincennesAve
- 1714CampbellAve
- 170NormandyDr
- 125PamelaDr
- 237E17thSt
- 254HickorySt
- 2022EuclidAve
- 1636OakSt
- 288HickorySt
- 292HickorySt
- 1015EmeraldAve
- 1877thPl
- 234E21stSt
- 286SpruceLn
- 1642DivisionSt
- 852NMemorialDr
- 91W19thSt
- 22W21stSt
- 1522PortlandAve
- 1907thPl
- 220HolbrookRd
- 1630DivisionSt
- 209SterlingAve
- 1110SchillingAve
- 483E23rdSt
- 1777RossCres
- 1904BostonSt
- 248WElmwoodDr
- 125KathleenLn
- 1238FranklinAve
- 1502FairviewAve
- 1016AshlandAve
- 4418thSt
- 242E24thSt
- 273EddySt
- 1119ParkviewAve
- 199E25thSt
- 1214OttoBlvd
- 1549EuclidAve
- 1311ScottAve
- 46WMainSt
- 260W16thSt
- 847TheresaLn
- 149E23rdSt
- 20ECraigDr
- 1931BunkerSt
- 1305CampbellAve
- 3034CommercialAve
- 1634IngridLn
- 647SaratogaDr
- 263EddySt
- 125CountryClubRd
- 1216SunnysideAve
- 120SherryLn
- 19533SequoiaAve
- 192E16thSt
- 190PleasantDr
- 738WillowDr
- 166JoyceLn
- 165SherryLn
- 160KathleenLn
- 159MildredLn
- 155ConstanceLn
- 145SherryLn
- 136NPamelaDr
- 135MildredLn
- 293HomewoodCt
- 291NBradleyDr
- 288WNormandyDr
- 285FrederickDr
- 262PleasantDr
- 245WMapleDr
- 236PleasantDr
- 2330SandridgeCt
- 2321SandridgeCt
- 215WSaukTrl
- 211NArquillaDr
- 20632SandridgeDr
- 20635WesternAve
- 20614GardnerAve
- 200CraigDrW
- 344SandraLn
- 344ConstanceLn
- 339AvonelleDr
- 326AbbottAve
- 302SherryLn
- 429CareyCt
- 400SandraLn
- 642W14thPl
- 513LoweAve
- 510LoweAve
- 820MacarthurDr
- 751WillowDr
- 1306BarbaraLn
- 1225WilsonAve
- 121SerenaDr
- 19519StoneyIslandAve
- 195TerraceDr
- 186LindenLn
- 186StrieffAve
- 184NPamelaDr
- 177LindenLn
- 176PleasantDr
- 171SerenaDr
- 1637AshlandAve
- 160DorisLn
- 156PleasantDr
- 152StrieffAve
- 20112SequoiaAve
- 148NMayfairPl
- 145ThelmaLn
- 140PleasantDr
- 140WGreenbriarAve
- 135SerenaDr
- 294WNormandyDr
- 284WNormandyDr
- 279CrescentDr
- 275TahoeDr
- 244TahoeDr
- 225SerenaDr
- 212NNormandyDr
- 20807WesternAve
- 20726GardnerAve
- 383PatriciaDr
- 340SherryLn
- 330HomewoodCt
- 324LeroseDr
- 310WestgateAve
- 3045GlenwoodDyerRd
- 438NormalAve
- 421W15thPl
- 4178thSt
- 404WinstonLn
- 642HickorySt
- 640LoweAve
- 622LexingtonDr
- 607DeAngelisCt
- 523ParnellAve
- 839NMapleDr
- 734WillowDr
- 72PeytonDr
- 70FrancesLn
- 131W10thSt
- 126GraceLn
- 124MildredLn
- 123JudithLn
- 1213WilsonAve
- 1203EJoeOrrRd
- 1140UnionAve
- 186DawnLn
- 19491StoneyIslandAve
- 165ConstanceLn
- 153SMayfairPl
- 1423EEndAve
- 271WElmwoodDr
- 270W16thSt
- 264HolbrookRd
- 25BroadwayAve
- 223CountryClubRd
- 22CharingCrossRd
- 645TraversAve
- 200SherryLn
- 360SherryLn
- 346NArquillaDr
- 329NBradleyDr
- 316AbbottAve
- 3038thSt
- 450GrosvenorPl
- 69TerryCt
- 652EnterpriseRd
- 650SaratogaDr
- 645EnterpriseRd
- 627SangamonSt
- 615WillowDr
- 546WWinchesterRd
- 515DeerTrailRd
- 510SMayfairPl
- 507WinstonLn
- 879NMapleDr
- 852AshlandAve
- 82JudithLn
- 816NMemorialDr
- 811MarionWay
- 809NMapleDr
- 711CedarLn
- 1301BarbaraLn
- 1240LincolnAve
- 1232OrchardAve
- 123RosewoodLn
- 1212AshlandAve
- 1213BarbaraLn
- 851LutherLn
- 1125DamicoDr
- 106SherryLn
- 105EElmwoodDr
- 1043SchillingAve
- 102PeytonDr
- 1015UnionAve
- 100NNormandyDr
- 194WLincolnHwy
- 191JoyceLn
- 182MartinLn
- 179ElderAve
- 1704ChicagoRd
- 1655GlenwoodDyerRd
- 159ElderAve
- 157FrederickDr
- 156StrieffAve
- 1515LoweAve
- 148InteroceanAve
- 1412SchillingAve
- 138HawthorneLn
- 339SMayfairPl
- 284W17thSt
- 281W17thSt
- 280HomewoodCt
- 71EGlengateAve
- 258BostonSt
- 259EddySt
- 400W17thSt
- 253WElmwoodDr
- 254EddySt
- 245CharlesSt
- 245202ndSt
- 239RayeDr
- 240202ndSt
- 23EGlengateAve
- 226LynnLn
- 222E24thSt
- 215W15thPl
- 20621TraversAve
- 20725WesternAve
- 20618TraversAve
- 20162StoneyIslandAve
- 20135StoneyIslandAve
- 395W12thSt
- 349WJoeOrrRd
- 35WMcEldowneySt
- 344HickorySt
- 328CoolidgeStS
- 317WestgateAve
- 1202PiacentiLn
- 3124WillowRd
- 1501AshlandAve
- 305W17thSt
- 305W16thPl
- 74FrancesLn
- 438SandraLn
- 420W16thPl
- 408CareyCt
- 4108thSt
- 332IrvingBlvd
- 629SaratogaDr
- 623LexingtonDr
- 595W15thSt
- 595YorktownRd
- 549WWinchesterRd
- 541GregoryDr
- 522NManchesterDr
- 512ParnellAve
- 511W12thSt
- 51EArquillaDr
- 501FitchRd
- 500CoolidgeStS
- 500GregoryDr
- 66W23rdSt
- 247AbbottAve
- 511NManchesterDr
- 939CampbellAve
- 915AshlandAve
- 87EElmwoodDr
- 838AshlandAve
- 826194thSt
- 828NHighlandDr
- 829NHighlandDr
- 823NHighlandDr
- 823CampbellAve
- 811DamicoDr
- 81EElmwoodDr
- 79TerryCt
- 777196thSt
- 740EnterpriseCt
- 736EnterpriseCt
- 73JudithLn
- 1309AshlandAve
- 1305BarbaraLn
- 1245VincennesAve
- 1225VincennesAve
- 187W13thSt
- 120JoeOrrRd
- 1531LoweAve
- 1150ParkviewAve
- 1141EmeraldAve
- 1053ScottAve
- 19505NHalstedSt
- 521W14thPl
- 1025SchillingAve
- 1016WEndAve
- 179W13thSt
- 19545NHalstedSt
- 19380PeoriaSt
- 1916CircleCt
- 181W13thSt
- 176SerenaDr
- 166SerenaDr
- 1640OakSt
- 1622ScottAve
- 1623HanoverSt
- 1614EdgewoodAve
- 129SNormandyDr
- 1518ScottAve
- 1412EdgewoodAve
- 136WGlengateAve
- 2904HalstedSt
- 274W14thPl
- 279WMemorialDr
- 273E17thSt
- 1552EdgewoodAve
- 263RayeDr
- 260W15thPl
- 257W16thSt
- 258WMapleDr
- 244EddySt
- 2422AshSt
- 2405ChicagoRd
- 2312209thSt
- 231SMayfairPl
- 155W10thSt
- 227W16thPl
- 225AvonelleDr
- 19508GlenwoodRd
- 219HillcrestAve
- 215W13thSt
- 209HillcrestAve
- 20700GardnerAve
- 65WMainSt
- 207W16thSt
- 1516PortlandAve
- 397W16thSt
- 389W16thSt
- 364W17thSt
- 356WGlengateAve
- 35ENormandyDr
- 3246GlenwoodDyerRd
- 1315AshlandAve
- 318SMayfairPl
- 3108WillowRd
- 308W14thPl
- 486FitchRd
- 268CharlesSt
- 1646AberdeenSt
- 1207BarbaraLn
- 437W16thPl
- 432SMayfairPl
- 415CaldwellAve
- 630LoweAve
- 210WSaukTrl
- 608EmeraldAve
- 555W15thSt
- 550WinstonLn
- 542WinstonLn
- 54WMainSt
- 516W15thPl
- 1225AshlandAve
- 500SMayfairPl
- 985HolbrookRd
- 918193rdPl
- 915194thSt
- 907LutherLn
- 902CampbellAve
- 1417WallaceSt
- 88HickorySt
- 83WMainSt1
- 822PeoriaSt
- 809WillowDr
- 45WMainSt
- 75W23rdSt
- 704EnterpriseRd
- 429ParnellAve
- 739ChicagoRd
- 707UnionAve
- 1621WesternAve
- 2173ELincolnHwy
- 56W15thSt
- 405W16thPl
- 369SerenaDr
- 1219 Division St
- 480 W 17th St
- 2018 S Halsted St
- 65 W Main St
- 140 Normandy Dr
- 20726 Gardner Ave
- 842 N Memorial Dr
- 20064 Marlin Ct
- 839 N Maple Dr
- 1301 Chicago Rd
- 1527 Thorn St 2
- 1213 Emerald Ave 1
- 1338 Park Ave 2
- 14 W 24th St 2
- 413 Hickory St 2
- 432 Hickory St 2
- 126 Broadway Ave
- 2422 Butler St
- 359 W Lincoln Hwy
- 1435 Center Ave
- 1529 Shields Ave
- 1530 Shields Ave
- 1532 Portland Ave
- 266 E 16th St
- 1143 S Halsted St
- 1315 Vincennes Ave
- 1410 Center Ave
- 19910 Lake Lynwood Dr
- 86 Holbrook Rd
- 210 Pleasant Dr
- 255 Hickory St
- 303 E 22nd St
- 76 W 21st St
- 344 Coolidge St N
- 19602 Sequoia Ave
- 1612 Butler St
- 319 W 15th St
- 365 Hickory St
- 1946 Dartmouth St
- 554 Shelly Ln
- 652 W 15th St
- 1240 Washington St
- 212 Morgan St
- 26 W 19th St
- 294 W Lincoln Hwy
- 1514 5th Ave
- 1939 Concord Dr
- 136 W Main St
- 1540 Schilling Ave
- 227 E 26th St
- 1889 Division St
- 1416 Senator Ln
- 193 W 15th Pl
- 19930 Rose St
- 141 W 13th St
- 1908 Cambridge St
- 1114 Grant Ave
- 1313 Portland Ave
- 550 Brookline St
- 26 W 21st St
- 1629 Ingrid Ln
- 382 Hickory St
- 1840 Reichert Ave
- 1300 Washington St
- 316 Boston St
- 544 W 16th Pl
- 276 W 14th Pl
- 151 E 26th St
- 1405 Emerald Ave
- 20475 Cottage Grove Ave
- 20030 Stoney Island Ave
- 20140 Sequoia Ave
- 328 E 25th St
- 1305 Vincennes Ave
- 2212 S Halsted St
- 456 E 22nd St
- 88 E 25th St
- 1236 Washington St
- 1915 Circle Ct
- 24 E 23rd St
- 1954 Bunker St
- 47 Hickory St
At Closing, Recent Sellers Have Said:
Richard & Christina said, “Had 2 houses. Downsize. Very relieved-extra mortgage off our plate. And a little sad.”
Barry said, “Big storm wiped out everything in the back yard.”
Maria said, “Gracias Jean, gracias Jean. Me diste mucha confianza para trabajar contigo.”
Tom said, “Very personable & very honest. Need a lot of upgrades. Great opportunity to sell the house as is”
About Diamond Equity Investments
Diamond Equity Investments is a privately held home buyer seeking new acquisitions in Chicago, Chicago Hts, & Chicago Heights. Discover the quick & easy solution for selling a house fast. We will buy your house, condo, land, or apartment building in it’s current condition. We buy property that is move-ready, rent ready, or even needing a full renovation. Vacant or occupied, with a tenant that is paying or NOT paying makes no difference. You Just Sell it As Is & walk away with cash. Request an instant online quote now.
Diamond Equity Investments is the exclusive sponsor of the Neighborhood Beautification Program. The Mission of the Neighborhood Beautification Program is to buy & renovate the outdated, vacant, or otherwise distressed houses and make Your Neighborhood Even Better! Anonymously refer local Chicago Heights vacant properties, or houses needing renovation at www.ReferAHouse.org.