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United States · IL · JACKSONVILLE
List of New Homes in Jacksonville, IL
Browse our list of newest homes in . Click on a home address to view property details.
- 2768RiversideAve
- 5450LafayetteParkDrN
- 839AshtonCoveTer
- 11286WillesdonDrS
- 3318AppleshawCt
- 5257HeathwoodGableTer
- 407NewRiverDr
- 1735E22ndSt
- 3651LightviewLn
- 2155PlacedaSt
- 3061SunsetLandingDr
- 3840NCanalSt
- 47AuburnOaksRdW
- 9719CedarRidgeDrW
- 113PullerDr
- 326RockCreekDrS
- 510AshleyPl
- 2300BurgawHwy
- 813LittleRoxyCt
- 103BanksSt
- 2818NileDr
- 11242SouthburyPl
- 11386MonumentRidgeDr
- 12024CobblestoneForestCirS
- 2273WahineDrE
- 5858PavilionDr
- 925GavaganRd
- 10437DocksiderDrE
- 11238LakeMandarinCirE
- 14675StarrattCreekDr
- 1541AckenDr
- 4213CrownwoodDr
- 10951CopperHillDr
- 13264SmithwickLn
- 2340EisnerDr
- 3605VictoriaLakesDrN
- 4396MarshHawkDrS
- 1077BerthaSt
- 11015CopperHillDr
- 7581FanningDr
- 8040BeaverCreekDr
- 869PlumbridgeCt
- 12504DewhurstCir
- 9080LeicestershireCt
- 100WoodburyFarmDr
- 11592WalleyeDr
- 12639GreenMeadowDr
- 2708IvyPostDr
- 5817CalvaryDr
- 11126CastlemainCirS
- 15084RainLilySt
- 4510ReedBarkLn
- 551CandlebarkDr
- 12048CoachmanLakesWay
- 12875SquirrelTreeCt
- 13504FanshoweRd
- 13846MalachiCt
- 2345LuanaDrE
- 10915WahineDrN
- 1539OakLaceCt
- 2313DumfriesCirE
- 3294CancunDrE
- 982BriarcreekRd
- 11851HiddenHillsDr
- 11883HiddenHillsDr
- 14020MountPleasantRd
- 3263RickyDr
- 5644RibbonRoseDr
- 10523RockyGardenLn
- 10558LakeHollowLn
- 3820MandarinWoodsDrS
- 5052MarbleEgretDrS
- 5146SaddlehornDrS
- 8155WoodgroveRd
- 1331GrandviewDr
- 1409MorganaRd
- 1515SomervilleRd
- 6232PottsburgPlantationBlvd
- 876GroveParkBlvd
- 11838LakeBendCir
- 1533DunnsLakeDrE
- 15738NorthsideDrE
- 1833ForestBlvd
- 8535VermanthRd
- 11933ElizabethAnnCt
- 13728VictoriaLakesDr
- 4557BassPlS
- 7648PlantationBayDrE
- 7682OrtegaBluffPkwy
- 11563OakMeadowLn
- 2461VictoriaPointDr
- 3679JacobLoisDr
- 3849HerschelSt
- 9720CarbondaleDrE
- 1100WoodbridgeHollowRd
- 6729AlismaLn
- 8052QueensferryLn
- 860NWoodbridgeHollowRd
- 9333PicartyDr
- 6525SilkLeafLn
- 6683LanaLn
- 6719RoyalLeafLn
- 7557SteventonWay
- 8210HotSpringsDrS
- 9887MelroseCreekDr
- 10906FalklandRd
- 2708FoxCreekDrE
- 8042MistyMeadowsCtN
- 8117FoxdaleDr
- 8158FoxdaleDr
- 11356MartinLakesDrN
- 1490SummitOaksDrW
- 15330HiddenFoalDr
- 6901LangfordSt
- 8900MerseysideAve
- 43UpperApplegateRd
- 1237WRuskSt
- 14499EUSHighway79
- 1521ERuskSt
- 1769FM177E
- 224TalleyNicholsDr
- 555CountyRoad1520
- 2903CollegeSt
- 732ParkerSt
- 1300BradenSt
- 10881SanJoseBlvd
- 1800JohnHardenDr
- 5960BeachBlvd
- 3701EmersonSt
- 1563JessieSt
- 515E9thSt
- 5220NewKingsRd
- 2625W5thSt
- 3022FayeRd
- 3031WestsideBlvd
- 5530FloridaMiningBlvdS
- 5751BeachBlvd
- 7912DelarocheDr
- 2003W14thSt
- 730W17thSt
- 3013W12thSt
- 5016LincolnCirN
- 110ColePorterLn
- 204RosewoodCir
- 2768 Riverside Ave
- 5450 Lafayette Park Dr N
- 839 Ashton Cove Ter
- 11286 Willesdon Dr S
- 3318 Appleshaw Ct
- 5257 Heathwood Gable Ter
- 1817 Lakewood Rd
- 7938 New Kings Rd
- 1266 E Davis Rd
- 1269 Windy Willows Dr
- 4949 Pine Cone Ct
- 125 W 16th St
- 1418 Dancy St
- 2062 Leon Rd
- 5643 Bennington Dr
- 11570 Spring Board Dr
- 12895 La Costa Ct
- 2064 Morehouse Rd
- 5023 Beige St
- 45 W 33rd St
- 518 Sara Kay Ln
- 402 Sitton Pl
- 1432 Pearl St
- 407 New River Dr
- 1735 E 22nd St
- 2155 Placeda St
- 3061 Sunset Landing Dr
- 3651 Lightview Ln
- 3840 N Canal St
- 9719 Cedar Ridge Dr W
- 47 Auburn Oaks Rd W
- 113 Puller Dr
- 326 Rock Creek Dr S
- 510 Ashley Pl
- 324 Palamino Trl
- 103 Banks St
- 2300 Burgaw Hwy
- 813 Little Roxy Ct
- 2818 Nile Dr
- 1237 W Rusk St
- 14499 E US Highway 79
- 1521 E Rusk St
- 1769 FM 177 E
- 224 Talley Nichols Dr
- 555 County Road 1520
- 2903 College St
- 732 Parker St
- 1300 Braden St
- 10881 San Jose Blvd
- 1800 John Harden Dr
- 5960 Beach Blvd
- 3701 Emerson St
- 1563 Jessie St
- 515 E 9th St
- 5220 New Kings Rd
- 2625 W 5th St
- 3022 Faye Rd
- 3031 Westside Blvd
- 5530 Florida Mining Blvd S
- 5751 Beach Blvd
- 3636 Beachwood Ct
- 1221 E 16th St
- 4441 Wesconnett Blvd
- 3733 University Blvd W
- 6420 Southpoint Pkwy
- 6128 Kennerly Rd
- 420 N Julia St
- 8001 Parramore Rd
- 10550 Old Saint Augustine Rd
- 4529 Roosevelt Blvd
- 14951 Walden Springs Way
- 2753 Mayport Rd
- 7528 Arlington Expy
- 989 Monument Rd
- 204 Rosewood Cir
- 2003 W 14th St
- 3013 W 12th St
- 730 W 17th St
- 5016 Lincoln Cir N
- 7912 Delaroche Dr
- 110 Cole Porter Ln
- 908 Roswell Ln
- 211 Chaparral Trl
- 1829 Agave Cir W
- 3434 Blanding Blvd 134
- 3940 Lane Ave S
- 5201 Atlantic Blvd 186
- 10851 Natalie Ash Dr
- 5552 Minosa Cir W
- 111 Bruce Dr
- 106 Princess Pl
- 604 Independence Dr
- 2456 Northwoods Dr
- 409 Southbridge Dr
- 603 Independence Dr
- 1829 Lejeune Blvd
- 12 Wardola Dr
- 104 Falcon Crest Rd
- 123 Armstrong Dr
- 301 Montford Ln
- 302 Beech St
- 105 Washington Dr
- 378 Bell Fork Rd
- 5 Walnut Dr
- 910 Elaine Dr
- 1339 Rensselaer Ave
- 4842 Campenella Dr
- 109 Oak St
- 1028 Claudia Spencer St
- 2134 Benedict Rd
- 7005 Australian Ave
- 3877 Rancho Rd E
- 209 Conover St
- 394 Waters Rd
- 1750 W 15th St
- 1779 E 26th St
- 3834 Townsend Blvd
- 4408 Melvin Cir W
- 4891 Ballastone Dr
- 4335 Richlands Hwy
- 4615 Yerkes St
- 704 Willow Branch Ave
- 102 Silance Rd
- 14008 Spoonbill St N
- 925 W Palm Ave
- 6274 Blanchard Rd
- 107 Plantation Blvd
- 402 Mill Ave
- 11540 Birch Forest Cir E
- 3643 Herschel St
- 11470 Oakfield Ct
- 1279 Mull St
- 1530 Ryar Rd
- 2622 N Market St
- 1314 Sydney Pl
- 805 Willow Branch Ave
- 2700 Dellwood Ave
- 1350 Silver St
- 1709 N Pearl St
- 3830 University Blvd S
- 12517 Beach Blvd
- 7404 Linda Dr
- 2301 Westmont St
- 2316 Westmont St
- 712 Pinewood Dr
- 1101 Davis St
- 3524 Bowden Rd S
- 2339 Belote Pl
- 4903 Ormewood Ave
- 5827 Marigold Rd
- 1050 E 11th St
- 1407 Peachtree St
- 8813 Jasper Ave
- 8988 Castle Blvd
- 6403 Shetland Rd
- 4146 Heath Rd
- 4815 Wesch Blvd
- 6432 Mockingbird Rd
- 2018 Detroit St
- 604 Williams St
- 702 Williams St
- 151 Mendover Dr
- 518 Henderson Dr
- 2039 Foxhorn Rd
- 2530 Blackstone Ct
- 5533 Amazon Ave
- 2761 Sack Dr E
- 5740 Hillman Dr
- 7810 Hare Ave
- 8949 8th Ave
- 3323 Eve Dr E
- 1754 High Brook Ct
- 10282 Cisco Dr
- 11440 Skipjack Way S
- 1842 Live Oak Dr
- 2420 Drake Ave
- 6834 Arques Rd
- 7818 Lady Smith Ln
- 502 Winter Ct
- 110 W Bayshore Blvd
- 305 Sheffield Rd
- 1721 Rheta St
- 10228 Pine Breeze Rd W
- 2423 Green Oak Dr
- 4605 Appleton Ave
- 320 Pinewood Ct
- 31 Kerr St
- 8630 4th Ave
- 109 Iverleigh Ln
- 233 Branchwood Dr
- 2234 Lake Shore Blvd
- 1819 Landon Ave
- 3869 Forest Blvd
- 5683 Bryner Dr
- 2016 Glen Gardner Dr
- 1668 Norton Hill Dr
- 11839 Merganser Way
- 8236 Knotts Landing Dr N
- 10889 Bonnelly Dr
- 1007 River St
- 215 Mahogany Dr
- 1819 Montgomery Pl
- 737 E 59th St
- 3312 Cancun Dr E
- 6029 Duke Rd
- 2003 Oakwood Dr
- 506 Seminole Trl
- 137 Mesa Ln
- 200 Kitt Dr
- 1816 Gum Branch Rd
- 1716 Clemson Rd
- 120 E 19th St
- 5427 Bunche Dr
- 5819 Royalty Rd
- 6223 Lake Lugano Dr 6223
- 848 Mackinaw St
- 1272 Village Green Ct
- 5631 Obrien Ln
- 6242 Du Clay Rd
- 8510 Walden Rd
- 12173 Dividing Oaks Trl E
- 12857 Huntley Manor Dr
- 1563 Monument Oaks Dr
- 453 Cockatiel Dr
- 9081 Gloucestershire Ct
- 10367 Woodley Creek Blvd
- 1355 Carvill Ave
- 1536 Raven Dr S
- 3673 Mindy Ashley Ln
- 4315 Campus Hills Cir
- 1244 Woodruff Ave
- 2557 Summit St
- 300 Bridgewood Dr
- 100 Old Stone
- 131 Silver Leaf Dr
- 703 Decatur Rd
- 4622 Suffolk Ave
- 544 McCargo St S
- 13555 Sawpit Rd
- 3203 Lansdell Dr
- 2304 Saint Johns Bluff Rd S
- 3715 Almeda St
- 2216 Spring Park Rd
- 1310 N Laura St
- 1251 Donald St
- 1339 W 15th St
- 2656 College St
- 525 Talbot Ave
- 1410 Donald St
- 2898 Olga Pl
- 425 W 21st St
- 117 Pine Crest Dr
- 3505 Bessent Rd
- 6109 Carnation Rd
- 10550 Baymeadows Rd 803
- 252 Santa Barbara Ave
- 1031 S Fairwood Ln
- 111 Maiden Ct
- 5008 Banister Loop
- 5375 Ortega Farms Blvd 211
- 6422 Solandra Dr
- 225 Elm St
- 6045 Anderson Rd
- 807 Oakwood Ave
- 817 Edgewood Dr
- 5666 Bryner Dr
- 7520 Owl Rd
- 4313 Hiawatha St
- 109 Pennington St
- 303 Cypress Bay Dr
- 304 Wellington Pl
- 139 Haws Run Rd
- 303 Tower Dr
- 504 N Bayshore Blvd
- 503 Rye Mill Ct
- 2124 Colony Plz
- 313 Running Rd
- 303 Brothers Ln
- 501 Sioux Dr
- 205 Branchwood Dr
- 216 Sabrina Ct
- 232 Summersill School Rd
- 172 Newbold Rd
- 1161 McAllister Rd
- 236 Piney Green Rd
- 12519 Aladdin Rd
- 8528 Heather Run Dr N
- 6924 Ramoth Dr
- 3657 Richmond St
- 3070 Discovery Way
- 12959 Palmetto Glade Dr
- 3095 Aaron Cove Ct
- 4238 Snowdon Ln
- 2347 Cheryl Dr
- 2436 Fallen Tree Dr W
- 690 Wellhouse Dr
- 7407 Cumbria Blvd
- 12220 Rolling Green Ct
- 4520 Deep River Way E
- 6767 Cabello Dr
- 2510 Chesterbrook Ct
- 12215 Heronsford Ln
- 3464 Natalie Mel Ln
- 9099 Gloucestershire Ct
- 10611 Roundwood Glen Ct
- 2381 Oak Springs Ct
- 12865 Ellis Island Dr
- 4457 Timber Bluff Ct
- 4163 Tar Kiln Rd
- 15690 Tisons Bluff Rd
- 5538 Coastal Ln S
- 11782 Marsh Elder Dr
- 12290 Soaring Flight Dr
- 3019 Covenant Cove Dr
- 339 Cottage Ave
- 15798 Lexington Park Blvd
- 5785 Alamosa Cir
- 12100 Dividing Oaks Trl W
- 15468 Turkoman Cir
- 9074 Barnstaple Ln
- 7037 Rivercrest Dr
- 13907 Spanish Marsh Trl
- 3920 Harbor View Dr
- 15828 Lexington Park Blvd
- 1082 Waterfall Dr
- 14747 Cape Dr E
- 10768 Brandon Chase Dr
- 981 Celebrant Dr
- 12564 Fallohide Ln
- 12450 Cachet Dr
- 816 Poydras Ln N
- 13287 Tropic Egret Dr
- 1303 Belvedere Ave
- 13060 Notre Dame Ln N
- 2864 Selawick Ln
- 14074 Summer Breeze Dr E
- 12454 Shady Creek Dr
- 12420 Rochford Ln
- 1652 Fishweir Creek Ln
- 9153 Kings Colony Rd
- 8511 Longford Dr
- 10067 Dovetail Ct S
- 1614 Warhawk Ln
- 2788 Canyon Falls Dr
- 2704 Chelsea Cove Dr
- 6030 Dunn Ave
- 1362 Azteca Dr
- 4531 Crystal Brook Way
- 12992 Canyon Creek Trl S
- 1206 N Market St
- 4242 Broad Creek Ln
- 12735 Dunns View Dr
- 10292 Driftwood Hills Dr
- 1210 Ionia St
- 12438 Cliff Swallow Ct
At Closing, Recent Sellers Have Said:
Richard & Christina said, “Had 2 houses. Downsize. Very relieved-extra mortgage off our plate. And a little sad.”
Barry said, “Big storm wiped out everything in the back yard.”
Maria said, “Gracias Jean, gracias Jean. Me diste mucha confianza para trabajar contigo.”
Tom said, “Very personable & very honest. Need a lot of upgrades. Great opportunity to sell the house as is”
About Diamond Equity Investments
Diamond Equity Investments is a privately held home buyer seeking new acquisitions in Ivesdale, Jefferson Park, & Jacksonville. Discover the quick & easy solution for selling a house fast. We will buy your house, condo, land, or apartment building in it’s current condition. We buy property that is move-ready, rent ready, or even needing a full renovation. Vacant or occupied, with a tenant that is paying or NOT paying makes no difference. You Just Sell it As Is & walk away with cash. Request an instant online quote now.
Diamond Equity Investments is the exclusive sponsor of the Neighborhood Beautification Program. The Mission of the Neighborhood Beautification Program is to buy & renovate the outdated, vacant, or otherwise distressed houses and make Your Neighborhood Even Better! Anonymously refer local Jacksonville vacant properties, or houses needing renovation at www.ReferAHouse.org.