We Buy New Houses | Home Buyers in Abingdon
Selling a property in Abingdon? We buy new houses. In addition to buying homes, we also buy condos, land, & apartment buildings throughout the Abingdon Region. Experience THE Fast & Convenient Sale: Make NO Repairs & Just Sell it As Is! Get an Instant Online Quote-just enter your zip code to get started.
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We Buy Houses in Abingdon
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We Buy New Houses:
United States · MD · ABINGDON
List of New Homes in Abingdon, MD
Browse our list of newest homes in . Click on a home address to view property details.
- 3803HebronTer
- 3321MidlandCt
- 3200MeadowValleyDr
- 3014CascadeDr
- 333SprucePineRd
- 3951BushCt
- 223HighMeadowTer
- 2952MargateCt
- 2927ShelleyCt
- 2117TaylorCt
- 912PhiladelphiaAve
- 2228TidalViewGarth
- 2749SingerWoodsDr
- 19226LeeHwy
- 26113OldTrailRd
- 26860WataugaRd
- 24476LeeHwy
- 3455BoxHillCorporateCenterDr
- 1233SplashingBrookDr
- 3726WolfTrailDr
- 207OakLeafCirH
- 313TalbotCt
- 3212PineCrestCt
- 329SunrayCt
- 3417TreeFrogCt
- 3109AbingdonRd
- 3802LongleyRd
- 2327OldEmmortonRd
- 3039AbingdonRd
- 3010LaurelBushRd
- 16HavenAve
- 17HavenAve
- 3203PhiladelphiaRd
- 706BradfordLn
- 228KensingtonPkwy
- 2836DainawayCt
- 2927StrathavenLn
- 2946StrathavenLn
- 3016LaurelBushRd
- 3105LaurelBushRd
- 202LaurentumPkwy
- 2809EmmortonRd
- 2816PrestonLn
- 2824PrestonLn
- 2905SilverSpruceLn
- 12SingerRd
- 2807PrestonLn
- 2808PrestonLn
- 2809PrestonLn
- 2823PrestonLn
- 2315OldEmmortonRd
- 803WBakerAve
- 3810LongleyRd
- 4228BirchAve
- 705LombardCt
- BushRiv
- 1216AbingdonRd
- 602OtterPointRd
- 1119BushRd
- 1107HookersMillRd
- 1409CalvaryRd
- 1417CalvaryRd
- 3816PhiladelphiaRd
- 748HookersMillRd
- 1423AbingdonRd
- 3029AbingdonRd
- 3035AbingdonRd
- 3321 Midland Ct
- Clydebank Dr
- 1412 Peverly Rd
- 311K Tall Pines Ct 10
- 493 Ashton Ln
- 3200 Meadow Valley Dr
- 3014 Cascade Dr
- 333 Spruce Pine Rd
- 3951 Bush Ct
- 223 High Meadow Ter
- 2952 Margate Ct
- 2927 Shelley Ct
- 19226 Lee Hwy
- 26113 Old Trail Rd
- 26860 Watauga Rd
- 24476 Lee Hwy
- 3455 Box Hill Corporate Center Dr
- 1233 Splashing Brook Dr
- 3726 Wolf Trail Dr
- 207 Oak Leaf Cir H
- 313 Talbot Ct
- 3212 Pine Crest Ct
- 329 Sunray Ct
- 3417 Tree Frog Ct
- 3109 Abingdon Rd
- 3802 Longley Rd
- 2327 Old Emmorton Rd
- 3039 Abingdon Rd
- 3010 Laurel Bush Rd
- 3203 Philadelphia Rd
- 16 Haven Ave
- 17 Haven Ave
- 3016 Laurel Bush Rd
- 706 Bradford Ln
- 228 Kensington Pkwy
- 2836 Dainaway Ct
- 2927 Strathaven Ln
- 2946 Strathaven Ln
- 3105 Laurel Bush Rd
- 202 Laurentum Pkwy
- 2809 Emmorton Rd
- 2816 Preston Ln
- 2824 Preston Ln
- 2905 Silver Spruce Ln
- 12 Singer Rd
- 2807 Preston Ln
- 2808 Preston Ln
- 2809 Preston Ln
- 2823 Preston Ln
- 2315 Old Emmorton Rd
- 803 W Baker Ave
- 3810 Longley Rd
- 4228 Birch Ave
- 705 Lombard Ct
- Bush Riv
- 602 Otter Point Rd
- 1216 Abingdon Rd
- 1119 Bush Rd
- 1409 Calvary Rd
- 1417 Calvary Rd
- 748 Hookers Mill Rd
- 1107 Hookers Mill Rd
- 3035 Abingdon Rd
- 3816 Philadelphia Rd
- 1423 Abingdon Rd
- 3029 Abingdon Rd
- 120 Laurel Woods Ct
- 3103 Abingdon Rd
- 3330 Rosary Ct
- 3240 Split Oak Ct
- 636 Berwick Ct
- 3635 Torey Ln
- 3126 Abingdon Rd
- 3337 Shrewsbury Rd
- 2109 Taylor Ct
- 3737 Federal Ln
- 3700 Deer Chase Ct
- 606 Falkirk Ct
- 456 Abbey Cir
- 3207 Fieldcrest Way
- 3208 Lanham Dr
- 3209 Peverly Run Rd
- 3813 Easton Ct
- 3310 Berlin Ct
- 3326 Berlin Ct
- 400 Amy Dr
- 3705 Swift Run Ct
- 820 Oak Mill Ct
- 4039 Smiths Landing Ct
- 352 Regal Dr
- 332 Regal Dr
- 919 Deer Ct
- 3213 Eastbend Ct
- 426 Abbey Cir
- 3805 Federal Ln
- 725 Burgh Westra Way
- 3705 Deer Chase Ct
- 3811 Maryland Ave
- 343 Regal Dr
- 406 Abbey Cir
- 3209 Fieldcrest Way
- 356 Regal Dr
- 4044 Smiths Landing Ct
- 915 Hamburg Dr
- 3705 Misty Valley Ct
- 3431 Henry Harford Dr
- 362 Butterfield Dr
- 4003 Jeffery Ct
- 3318 Berlin Ct
- 424 Abbey Cir
- 909 Deer Ct
- 436 Abbey Cir
- 428 Abbey Cir
- 321 Regal Dr
- 3202 Trellis Ln
- 3806 Federal Ln
- 3210 Jourdan Ct
- 337 Regal Dr
- 3706 Swift Run Ct
- 468 Abbey Cir
- 908 Harvey Ln
- 4014 Andrew Ct
- 333 Regal Dr
- 46 Mitchell Dr
- 416 Amy Dr
- 3700 Misty Valley Ct
- 911 Deer Ct
- 3225 Fieldcrest Way
- 814 W Baker Ave
- 646 Frans Dr
- 3311 Pouska Rd
- 3702 Swift Run Ct
- 3815 Federal Ln
- 3228 Woodspring Dr
- 34 Mitchell Dr
- 322 Clyde Ct
- 3708 Mill Rd
- 901 Green Fawn Ct
- 811 Pine Creek Way
- 401 Bent Twig Ct
- 3701 Timbers Ct
- 3808 Federal Ln
- 720 Frans Dr
- 3703 Jason Ct
- 3701 Swift Run Ct
- 3742 Federal Ln
- 3803 Federal Ln
- 410 Abbey Cir
- 910 Green Fawn Ct
- 807 Eastridge Rd
- 816 Bynum View Ct
- 702 Lombard Ct
- 3701 Longley Rd
- 4029 E Baker Ave
- 3208 Philadelphia Rd
- 3721 Abingdon Beach Rd
- 3206 Grindle Ct
- 3311 Philadelphia Rd
- 501 Callander Way
- 400 Autumn Leaf Ct
- 340 Sullivan Dr
- 604 Saint Sebastian Ct
- 3710 Paca Ave
- 3305 Berlin Ct
- 3437 Henry Harford Dr
- 357 Regal Dr
- 900 Hamburg Dr
- 810 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 44 Boxthorn Rd
- 472 Abbey Cir
- 3903 E Baker Ave
- 902 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 407 Bent Twig Ct
- 3905 Spring Creek Ct
- 407 Denton Way
- 3306 Woodspring Dr
- 3708 Jason Ct
- 3314 Woodspring Dr
- 3266 Meadow Valley Dr
- 3234 Woodspring Dr
- 610 Leight Rd
- 3752 Wolf Trail Dr
- 739 Frans Dr
- 3711 Deer Chase Ct
- 3300 Meadow Valley Dr
- 3614 Woodsdale Rd
- 707 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 59 Boxthorn Rd
- 901 Hamburg Dr
- 3810 Federal Ln
- 3716 Sewell Rd
- 617 Leight Rd
- 3702 Denton Ct
- 470 Crisfield Dr
- 413 Arrow Wood Ct
- 404 Denton Way
- 33 Boxthorn Rd
- 3301 Berlin Ct
- 477 Crisfield Dr
- 437 Crisfield Dr
- 903 Green Fawn Ct
- 913 Harvey Ln
- 407 Crisfield Dr
- 916 Towson Dr
- 763 Burgh Westra Way
- 3814 Fairhaven Ter
- 3809 Hebron Ter
- 710 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 417 Arrow Wood Ct
- 741 Burgh Westra Way
- 3401 Philadelphia Rd
- 3309 Trellis Ln
- 3706 Goodwill Ct
- 802 Eastridge Rd
- 929 Hamburg Dr
- 403 Denton Way
- 411 Crisfield Dr
- 3811 Fairhaven Ter
- 711 W Baker Ave
- 415 Amy Dr
- 700 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 431 Crisfield Dr
- 516 Callander Way
- 780 Shallow Ridge Ct
- 3811 Hebron Ter
- 46 Boxthorn Rd
- 3703 Inwood Ct
- 3702 Jason Ct
- 3708 Wolf Trail Dr
- 410 Crisfield Dr
- 745 Burgh Westra Way
- 3816 Fairhaven Ter
- 40 Huxley Cir
- 537 Kirkcaldy Way
- 3712 Swift Run Ct
- 618 Berwick Ct
- 903 Hamburg Dr
- 41 Boxthorn Rd
- 504 Kirkcaldy Way
- 3316 Meadow Valley Dr
- 404 Callander Way
- 58 Boxthorn Rd
- 3610 Woodsdale Rd
- 4115 E Baker Ave
- 708 Kirkcaldy Way
- 3217 Philadelphia Rd
- 3235 Meadow Valley Dr
- 707 W Baker Ave
- 9 Mitchell Dr
- 3817 Maryland Ave
- 913 Philadelphia Ave
- 416 Denton Way
- 3263 Meadow Valley Dr
- 808 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 3312 Abingdon Rd
- 37 Boxthorn Rd
- 3200 Pouska Rd
- 3806 Christine Dr
- 415 Arrow Wood Ct
- 607 Saint Albans Ct
- 418 Arrow Wood Ct
- 319 Amy Dr
- 613 Leight Rd
- 455 Deer Hill Cir
- 3818 Federal Ln
- 428 Autumn Harvest Ct
- 3922 Longley Rd
- 3701 Denton Ct
- 419 Arrow Wood Ct
- 44 Laurentum Pkwy
- 558 Kirkcaldy Way
- 509 Green Valley Ct
- 402 Crisfield Dr
- 3700 Denton Ct
- 690 Kirkcaldy Way
- 738 Shallow Ridge Ct
- 3409 Philadelphia Rd
- 424 Crisfield Dr
- 402 Arrow Wood Ct
- 43 Boxthorn Rd
- 568 Doefield Ct
- 3806 Hazel Ct
- 3308 Meadow Valley Dr
- 3803 Washington Ave
- 804 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 8 Singer Rd
- 425 Deer Hill Cir
- 601 Stone Mill Ct
- 720 Kirkcaldy Way
- 446 Deer Hill Cir
- 35 Boxthorn Rd
- 596 Doefield Ct
- 3317 Meadow Valley Dr
- 701 Lombard Ct
- 3803 Maryland Ave
- 562 Doefield Ct
- 703 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 528 Doefield Ct
- 816 Eastridge Rd
- 518 Doefield Ct
- 741 Kirkcaldy Way
- 539 Doefield Ct
- 323 Regal Dr
- 530 Buckstone Garth
- 3700 Paca Ave
- 617 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 531 Doefield Ct
- 529 Doefield Ct
- 507 Doefield Ct
- 3611 Longridge Ct
- 723 Shallow Ridge Ct
- 494 Ashton Ln
- 317 Amy Dr
- 412 Greentree Cir
- 617 Otter Point Rd
- 743 Hookers Mill Rd
- 709 Frans Dr
- 401 Autumn Harvest Ct
- 320 Fullerton Pl
- 651 N Branch Ct
- 333 Overlea Pl
- 645 N Branch Ct
- 4 Valiant Dr
- 3311 Meadow Valley Dr
- 3633 Longridge Ct
- 3176 Freestone Ct
- 641 Stone Mill Ct
- 3202 Philadelphia Rd
- 402 Kentmore Ter
- 343 Fullerton Pl
- 405 Bent Twig Ct
- 800 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 3402 Brooks Ave
- 427 Greentree Cir
- 3807 Washington Ave
- 609 Otter Point Rd
- 441 Kentmore Ter
- 747 Hookers Mill Rd
- 661 N Branch Ct
- 732 Frans Dr
- 3408 Brooks Ave
- 3605 Wilson Ave
- 4012 E Baker Ave
- 8 Valiant Dr
- 544 Doefield Ct
- 3268 Meadow Valley Dr
- 604 N Branch Ct
- 3822 Swift Run Dr
- 433 Autumn Harvest Ct
- 3619 Longridge Ct
- 433 Oakton Way
- 339 Fullerton Pl
- 3807 Longley Rd
- 3318 Midland Ct
- 514 June Apple Ct
- 357 Fullerton Pl
- 613 Long Bar Harbor Rd
- 3213 Stone Eagle Ct
- 7 Porter Dr
- 4100 E Baker Ave
- 3902 Bush Ct
- 532 June Apple Ct
- 3239 Stone Eagle Ct
- 3372 Garrison Cir
- 3351 Midland Ct
- 3921 Longley Rd
- 345 Fullerton Pl
- 703 Lombard Ct
- 3732 Washington Ave
- 423 Mayapple Ct
- 3805 Longley Rd
- 402 Mayapple Ct
- 331 Overlea Pl
- 3392 Garrison Cir
- 3161 Hidden Ridge Ter
- 3350 Garrison Cir
- 737 Shallow Ridge Ct
- 1406 Valley Forge Way
- 1450 Valley Forge Way
- 3722 Federal Ln
- 3341 Cheverly Ct
- 623 Stone Mill Ct
- 1203 Penshurst Ct
- 3701 Wolf Trail Dr
- 2215 Tidal View Garth
- 3126 Raking Leaf Dr
- Crestridge Way
- 2932 Alconbury Ct
- E Baker Ave
- 1938 Glenroths Dr
- 4011 Sharilyn Dr
- 306 Millwright Cir
- 3815 Longley Rd
- 2916 Carlyle Ct
- 320 Millwright Cir
- 435 Abbey Cir
- 3608 Woodsdale Rd
- 3359 Deepwell Ct
- 3726 Federal Ln
- 1200 Splashing Brook Dr
- 1214 Splashing Brook Dr
- 142 Laurel Valley Ct
- 2917 Brightwater Ln
- 2528 Parliament Dr
- 214 Glen View Ter
- 3293 Deale Pl
- 21 Patricks Ct
- 416 Ashton Ln
- 1109 Walnut Hill Ct
- 186 Ferring Ct
- 1127 Splashing Brook Dr
- 1202 Splashing Brook Dr
- 3103 Ashton Ct
- 3107 Eden Dr
- 3856 Swift Run Dr
- 263 Maple Wreath Ct
- 267 Maple Wreath Ct
- 3056 Benefit Ct
- 3102 Cardinal Way
- 326 Logan Ct
- 3300 Cheverly Ct
- 141 Laurel Woods Ct
- 2928 Carlyle Ct
- 3206 Rock Creek Ct
- 3333 Midland Ct
- 3623 Torey Ln
- 25 Huxley Cir
- 2812 Alder Ct
- 525 Constant Ridge Ct
- 635 Milford Ct
- 208 Wood Valley Ct
- 2511 Laurel Valley Garth
- 2719 Parallel Path
At Closing, Recent Sellers Have Said:
Richard & Christina said, “Had 2 houses. Downsize. Very relieved-extra mortgage off our plate. And a little sad.”
Barry said, “Big storm wiped out everything in the back yard.”
Maria said, “Gracias Jean, gracias Jean. Me diste mucha confianza para trabajar contigo.”
Tom said, “Very personable & very honest. Need a lot of upgrades. Great opportunity to sell the house as is”
About Diamond Equity Investments
Diamond Equity Investments is a privately held home buyer seeking new acquisitions in Aberdeen, Accident, & Abingdon. Discover the quick & easy solution for selling a house fast. We will buy your house, condo, land, or apartment building in it’s current condition. We buy property that is move-ready, rent ready, or even needing a full renovation. Vacant or occupied, with a tenant that is paying or NOT paying makes no difference. You Just Sell it As Is & walk away with cash. Request an instant online quote now.
Diamond Equity Investments is the exclusive sponsor of the Neighborhood Beautification Program. The Mission of the Neighborhood Beautification Program is to buy & renovate the outdated, vacant, or otherwise distressed houses and make Your Neighborhood Even Better! Anonymously refer local Abingdon vacant properties, or houses needing renovation at www.ReferAHouse.org.