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United States · MD · GAMBRILLS
List of New Homes in Gambrills, MD
Browse our list of newest homes in . Click on a home address to view property details.
- 2607ChapelLakeDr414
- 2404LawndaleCt
- 1118RedHarvestRd
- 2262MistwoodCir
- 1035SpringhillWay
- 2432DavidsonvilleRd
- 2606ChapelLakeDr211
- DavidsonvilleRd
- LeeSt
- AnnapolisRd
- DrumPointRd
- EvergreenRd
- LibertyAve
- ReservedParcel
- 106CalumetCt
- 2105SaintHeatherLn
- 2421OgdenSq
- 2425MacallisterLn
- 1003ShepherdCt
- 2127AutumnHazeCt
- 2355BellBranchRd
- 2426CheyenneDr
- 2605ChapelLakeDr401
- 1016CarbondaleWay
- 1051CarbondaleWay
- 2407LawndaleCt
- 2417HeatherStoneDr
- 2607ChapelLakeDr108
- 1112AutumnGoldDr
- 1410WigeonWay101
- 1537WinfieldsLn
- 2407ArapahoWay
- 2410HeatherStoneDr
- 1524SappingtonDr
- 1508KingswayDr
- 2011HuntwoodDr
- 1712BasilWay
- 2048HermitageHillsDr
- 2114AutumnHazeCt
- 2256TimeDr
- 2322MaytimeDr
- 215PercheronCt
- 2249SeptemberDr
- 614FloridaPl
- 928AutumnValleyLn
- 969CentralLn
- 3510PatuxentPreserveLn
- 2250JordenRd
- 2342MaytimeDr
- 1015ChristmasLn
- BargersRd
- 2450DavidsonvilleRd
- 2456DavidsonvilleRd
- 2517DavidsonvilleRd
- 2526DavidsonvilleRd
- 1567DefenseHwy
- 1575DefenseHwy
- 1615DefenseHwy
- 1631DefenseHwy
- 2134CoxRd
- 2210CoxRd
- 1184SummerfieldRd
- 1561UnderwoodRd
- 1583UnderwoodRd
- 1700WoolfordLn
- 1788BargersRd
- 2161DavidsonvilleRd
- 2650CarverRd
- 1181SummerfieldRd
- 2309SilverWay
- 2325SilverWay
- 1073SnowHillLn
- 1075SnowHillLn
- 1080SnowHillLn
- 1110RedFallLn
- 2487RedFallCt
- 1000ChristmasLn
- 1004ChristmasLn
- 1020ChristmasLn
- 1022SpringhillWay
- 1063SpringhillWay
- 2401SnowHillCt
- 1003ChristmasLn
- 1009ChristmasLn
- 1029ChristmasLn
- 1032ChristmasLn
- 2324SilverWay
- 1072SpringhillCt
- 938FallRidgeWay
- 960FallRidgeWay
- 974FallRidgeWay
- 977FallRidgeWay
- 2341MaytimeDr
- 2355MaytimeDr
- 936DecemberCt
- 967FallCircleWay
- 970OctoberCt
- 975FallRidgeWay
- 2327MaytimeDr
- 2511MaytimeDr
- 2520VivaldiLn
- 2525VivaldiLn
- 2663AprilDawnWay
- 1110FloweringTreeCt
- 2247DairyFarmRd
- 2284FourSeasonsDr
- 2522FloweringTreeLn
- 2254MisthavenLn
- 2259MisthavenLn
- 2271FourSeasonsDr
- 2279FourSeasonsDr
- 975SummerHillDr
- 979SummerHillDr
- 897AutumnValleyLn
- 897SnowRidgeCir
- 964SummerHillDr
- 970SummerHillDr
- 913AutumnValleyLn
- 920WinterhavenDr
- 922AutumnValleyLn
- 927WinterhavenDr
- 332GambrillsRd
- 344GambrillsRd
- 366GambrillsRd
- 937AutumnwoodDr
- 943AutumnwoodDr
- 946AutumnwoodDr
- 1794HolladaySt
- 812MapleRd
- 837AnnapolisRd
- 620FloridaPl
- 626FloridaPl
- 633CaliforniaTer
- 831AnnapolisRd
- 854ClaffyAve
- 857ClaffyAve
- 1522SappingtonDr
- 487BurnsCrossingRd
- 925AnnapolisRd
- 935ParkeyRd
- 941AnnapolisRd
- 554SecondSt
- 560SecondSt
- 575SecondSt
- 953CentralLn
- 955CentralLn
- 2168OldDairyFarmRd
- 558SaintMarysAve
- 582SaintMarysAve
- 959CentralLn
- 959SchoolLn
- 1494BranchwoodDr
- 106 Calumet Ct
- 1410 Wigeon Way 304
- 966 Fall Ridge Way
- 874 Snow Valley Ln
- 2453 Ogden Sq
- 951 Central Ln
- 827 Freeland Ct
- 1002 Carbondale Way
- 2608 Chapel Lake Dr 404
- 1633 Underwood Rd
- 2608 Chapel Lake Dr 112
- 2435 Cheyenne Dr
- 1144 Carbondale Way
- 2240 Autumn Valley Cir
- 872 Claffy Ave
- 2323 Mount Tabor Rd
- 2258 Mistwood Cir
- 902 Winterhaven Cir
- 2407 Springlake Ct E
- 2261 Time Dr
- 2607 Chapel Lake Dr 214
- 1200 Late Harvest Dr
- 3156 Gosheff Ln
- 2610 Chapel Lake Dr 204
- 2412 Maytime Dr
- 920 Densmore Bay Ct
- 2604 Chapel Lake Dr 210
- 2607 Chapel Lake Dr 414
- 2404 Lawndale Ct
- 1118 Red Harvest Rd
- 2262 Mistwood Cir
- 1035 Springhill Way
- 2432 Davidsonville Rd
- 2606 Chapel Lake Dr 211
- Davidsonville Rd
- Drum Point Rd
- Evergreen Rd
- Lee St
- Liberty Ave
- Reserved Parcel
- Annapolis Rd
- 2421 Ogden Sq
- 2425 Macallister Ln
- 1003 Shepherd Ct
- 2105 Saint Heather Ln
- 2127 Autumn Haze Ct
- 2355 Bell Branch Rd
- 2426 Cheyenne Dr
- 1016 Carbondale Way
- 1051 Carbondale Way
- 2407 Lawndale Ct
- 2605 Chapel Lake Dr 401
- 2607 Chapel Lake Dr 108
- 1112 Autumn Gold Dr
- 1410 Wigeon Way 101
- 2407 Arapaho Way
- 2410 Heather Stone Dr
- 2417 Heather Stone Dr
- 1524 Sappington Dr
- 1537 Winfields Ln
- 1508 Kingsway Dr
- 2011 Huntwood Dr
- 2048 Hermitage Hills Dr
- 1712 Basil Way
- 2114 Autumn Haze Ct
- 2249 September Dr
- 2256 Time Dr
- 2322 Maytime Dr
- 215 Percheron Ct
- 614 Florida Pl
- 928 Autumn Valley Ln
- 969 Central Ln
- 3510 Patuxent Preserve Ln
- 2250 Jorden Rd
- 2342 Maytime Dr
- 1015 Christmas Ln
- Bargers Rd
- 2450 Davidsonville Rd
- 2456 Davidsonville Rd
- 2526 Davidsonville Rd
- 1631 Defense Hwy
- 2517 Davidsonville Rd
- 1567 Defense Hwy
- 1575 Defense Hwy
- 1615 Defense Hwy
- 2134 Cox Rd
- 2210 Cox Rd
- 1184 Summerfield Rd
- 1561 Underwood Rd
- 1583 Underwood Rd
- 1700 Woolford Ln
- 1788 Bargers Rd
- 2161 Davidsonville Rd
- 2650 Carver Rd
- 1181 Summerfield Rd
- 1080 Snow Hill Ln
- 1110 Red Fall Ln
- 2309 Silver Way
- 2325 Silver Way
- 2487 Red Fall Ct
- 1022 Springhill Way
- 1063 Springhill Way
- 1073 Snow Hill Ln
- 1075 Snow Hill Ln
- 2401 Snow Hill Ct
- 1000 Christmas Ln
- 1004 Christmas Ln
- 1009 Christmas Ln
- 1020 Christmas Ln
- 1032 Christmas Ln
- 1003 Christmas Ln
- 1029 Christmas Ln
- 1072 Springhill Ct
- 2324 Silver Way
- 960 Fall Ridge Way
- 974 Fall Ridge Way
- 938 Fall Ridge Way
- 967 Fall Circle Way
- 970 October Ct
- 975 Fall Ridge Way
- 977 Fall Ridge Way
- 2327 Maytime Dr
- 2341 Maytime Dr
- 2355 Maytime Dr
- 2511 Maytime Dr
- 936 December Ct
- 1110 Flowering Tree Ct
- 2520 Vivaldi Ln
- 2522 Flowering Tree Ln
- 2525 Vivaldi Ln
- 2663 April Dawn Way
- 2247 Dairy Farm Rd
- 2271 Four Seasons Dr
- 2279 Four Seasons Dr
- 2284 Four Seasons Dr
- 2254 Misthaven Ln
- 2259 Misthaven Ln
- 964 Summer Hill Dr
- 975 Summer Hill Dr
- 979 Summer Hill Dr
- 897 Autumn Valley Ln
- 897 Snow Ridge Cir
- 922 Autumn Valley Ln
- 970 Summer Hill Dr
- 913 Autumn Valley Ln
- 920 Winterhaven Dr
- 927 Winterhaven Dr
- 943 Autumnwood Dr
- 946 Autumnwood Dr
- 332 Gambrills Rd
- 344 Gambrills Rd
- 366 Gambrills Rd
- 937 Autumnwood Dr
- 1794 Holladay St
- 812 Maple Rd
- 831 Annapolis Rd
- 837 Annapolis Rd
- 620 Florida Pl
- 626 Florida Pl
- 633 California Ter
- 854 Claffy Ave
- 857 Claffy Ave
- 1522 Sappington Dr
- 487 Burns Crossing Rd
- 925 Annapolis Rd
- 935 Parkey Rd
- 941 Annapolis Rd
- 554 Second St
- 560 Second St
- 575 Second St
- 953 Central Ln
- 955 Central Ln
- 2168 Old Dairy Farm Rd
- 558 Saint Marys Ave
- 582 Saint Marys Ave
- 959 Central Ln
- 959 School Ln
- 1494 Branchwood Dr
- 2531 Flowering Tree Ln
- 2170 Hallmark Dr
- 965 Saint Stephens Church Rd
- 312 Tobin Way
- 1405 Wigeon Way 303
- 2316 Maytime Dr
- 310 Otto Ln
- 1212 Waugh Chapel Rd
- 2315 Halls Grove Rd
- 2362 Davidsonville Rd
- 2610 Chapel Lake Dr 109
- 2420 Valley Brook Ln
- 2298 Maytime Dr
- 963 Dew Ct
- 872 Frost Valley Ln
- 2431 Bell Branch Rd
- 1410 Wigeon Way 206
- 1805 Tabor Dr
- 1694 Justin Dr
- 897 Winterhaven Dr
- 2261 September Dr
- 1003 Annapolis Rd
- 921 Winterhaven Dr
- 996 Jason Ct
- 2511 Flowering Tree Ln
- 2236 Autumn Valley Cir
- 2608 Chapel Lake Dr 209
- 1753 Thistle Ct
- 1410 Wigeon Way 202
- 2606 Chapel Lake Dr 110
- 969 Summer Hill Dr
- 750 S Rt 3
- 2511 Vivaldi Ln
- 1183 Summerfield Rd
- 789 State Route 3 N
At Closing, Recent Sellers Have Said:
Richard & Christina said, “Had 2 houses. Downsize. Very relieved-extra mortgage off our plate. And a little sad.”
Barry said, “Big storm wiped out everything in the back yard.”
Maria said, “Gracias Jean, gracias Jean. Me diste mucha confianza para trabajar contigo.”
Tom said, “Very personable & very honest. Need a lot of upgrades. Great opportunity to sell the house as is”
About Diamond Equity Investments
Diamond Equity Investments is a privately held home buyer seeking new acquisitions in Galesville, Garrett Park, & Gambrills. Discover the quick & easy solution for selling a house fast. We will buy your house, condo, land, or apartment building in it’s current condition. We buy property that is move-ready, rent ready, or even needing a full renovation. Vacant or occupied, with a tenant that is paying or NOT paying makes no difference. You Just Sell it As Is & walk away with cash. Request an instant online quote now.
Diamond Equity Investments is the exclusive sponsor of the Neighborhood Beautification Program. The Mission of the Neighborhood Beautification Program is to buy & renovate the outdated, vacant, or otherwise distressed houses and make Your Neighborhood Even Better! Anonymously refer local Gambrills vacant properties, or houses needing renovation at www.ReferAHouse.org.