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United States · PA · HOUSTON
List of New Homes in Houston, PA
Browse our list of newest homes in . Click on a home address to view property details.
- 11303TrudeauDr
- 15006WaltersRd
- 15102LanternCreekLn
- 5023PeeblesDr
- 2714StarPeakDr
- 9334CameliaCrestLn
- 5803GreenTopCt
- 13606WoodspireDr
- 5206SantreyDr
- 7010ShastaSq
- 7442MarbleGlenLn
- 7743SpruceHavenDr
- 10103WaywardWindLn
- 15315PaseoDelReyDr
- 3215BlackcastleDr
- 14922KimberleyLn
- 4718CairnleighDr
- 5810PinewildeDr
- 6211KnollwestDr
- 1002WavecrestLn
- 15711ThunderbayDr
- 2707LucindaSt
- 4603MerwinSt
- 16147CercaBlancaDr
- 17410TraceGlenLn
- 5054AzaleaTraceDr
- 5155AzaleaTraceDr
- 11747GreensbrookGardenDr
- 9103FuquaRidgeLn
- 11703SilentElmSt
- 4210BurasPassLn
- 9422ParsleyPathLn
- 12335IrisHollowWay
- 15618LibertyPineLn
- 16019EHarbourBendLn
- 19010TavernsCrossingLn
- 6910HampdenPointCt
- 15927AzaleaShoresCt
- 704WelchSt
- 16703NewlightBendDr
- 20826MayShowersCir
- 2837ClintonDr
- 13910LittleborneBirdwellLn
- 224GroveSt
- 3602FlanneryRidgeLn
- 3914FlanneryRidgeLn
- 14143BallfourParkLn
- 16226FleethavenLn
- 10371SageBrookDr
- 2517JohnsburyDr
- 6302JessieAnneLn
- 15342ClimbingBranchDr
- 15506ValleyCreekDr
- 3816WTraditionsCt
- 6319NeeceDr
- 3014ToweringOakSt
- 17059GreatGlenDr
- 5118SantreyDr
- 7419BrokenRidgeDr
- 11435AmberValleyCt
- 2115TomlinsonTrailDr
- 10403TimberlochDr
- 12214AshleyCircleDrE
- 13735BrokenBridgeDr
- 5630WoodlandGladeDr
- 8006GreenDevonDr
- 17507PonderosaPinesDr
- 17903HollyForestDr
- 19631SpanishNeedleDr
- 3011VegaSt
- 3206ChalfontDr
- 15403ForestTrailsDr
- 6919FawncliffDr
- 11319ChevyChaseDr
- 16615IvyGroveDr
- 14915PebbleBendDr
- 15711BantyFallsCt
- 15927VistaDelMarDr
- 3606BrimwoodDr
- 3923BrightwoodDr
- 7810AlbinLn
- 11911PebbleRockDr
- 5202PineArborDr
- 10611BayouGlenRd
- 12858WestleighDr
- 16406LaAvenidaDr
- 5814ForesthavenDr
- 878SilverpinesRd
- 10602BordleyDr
- 10618SugarHillDr
- 10707CranbrookRd
- 18622PointLookoutDr
- 7039QuinceSt
- 7919TwinHillsDr
- 8034FountainSt
- 16243BantamRidgeCt
- 16318CaminoDelSolDr
- 8430BromptonPlaceDr
- 17281JohnFKennedyBlvd
- 8703TelephoneRd
- 10200RichmondAve
- 11100BrittmooreParkDr
- 1160DairyAshfordRdSte100
- 1199ENasaPkwy
- 1535WestLoopS
- 16666NorthchaseDr384
- 16800ImperialValleyDr
- 1775SaintJamesPlSte268
- 222PennbrightDr
- 2900WeslayanSt360
- 330NSamHoustonPkwyE
- 4801WoodwayDr
- 4900WoodwayDr
- 50BriarHollowLn
- 519NSamHoustonPkwyE
- 5450NWCentralDr
- 5950NCourseDr
- 6401SouthwestFwy
- 654NSamHoustonPkwyE
- 808TravisSt295
- 8230AntoineDr
- 9555WSamHoustonPkwyS
- 9651KatyFwy
- 9807KatyFwy
- 11777KatyFwy
- 12707NorthFwy
- 14340TorreyChaseBlvd
- 1445LanghamCreekDr
- 17625ElCaminoReal
- 440BenmarDr
- 4605PostOakPlaceDr
- 6001SavoyDrSte400
- 7604KempwoodDr
- 9251ParkSouthVw
- 9888BissonnetSt
- 10000NorthwestFwy
- 6102WestheimerRd
- 11210NorthFwy
- 2201TelephoneRd
- 2110FederalRd
- 8419TewantinDr
- 10110FairbanksNHoustonRd
- 1120GoodnightTrl
- 11926BrittmooreParkDr
- 17015ParkRow
- 2438GreensRd
- 425NWaysideDr
- 5151TacomaDr
- 6315NSamHoustonPkwyW
- 6900ThrustmasterDr
- 7047WGreensRd
- 8017BreenDr
- 9411WallisvilleRd
- 9803SheldonRd
- 18703IntercontinentalCrossingDr
- 19423AldineWestfieldRd
- 8655GoldenSpikeLn
- 1800W26thSt
- 2051GreenhouseRd
- 1325LaConchaLn
- 12455VeteransMemorialDr240
- 15500VintagePreservePkwy
- 7851SouthLoopE
- 5603SRiceAve
- 10880BissonnetSt
- 1105ClearLakeCityBlvd
- 1801SDairyAshfordRd
- 618ETidwellRd
- 8050WestheimerRd
- 11950PerryRd
- 2735FondrenRd
- 2801FondrenRd
- 5406AirlineDr
- 6215HarrisburgBlvd
- 6628WilcrestDr
- 1002NobleEnergyWay
- 12120BammelNorthHoustonRd
- 12424BellaireBlvd145
- 17955NorthFwy
- 12734TannerRd
- 4016ShadrackSt
- 7075FM1960RdW
- 14097WestheimerRd
- 16250StateHighway249
- 6006NorthFwy
- 1010TravisSt
- 1616MilamSt1520
- 800PrestonSt
- 1101UptownParkBlvd
- 12430StateHighway249
- 14615BeechnutSt
- 2400MidLn
- 3301TidwellRd
- 11037FM1960RdW
- 200WGreensRd
- 3115WestLoopS
- 6102ScottSt
- 10CenturyPlazaDr
- 14212InterdriveW
- 9325HarwinDr
- 12218CuttenRd
- 10333KatyFwy
- 1530WestLoopS
- 325FM1960Rd
- 10661RockleyRd
- 11539NHoustonRosslynRd
- 12221NLakeHoustonPkwy
- 1330HahloSt1
- 1499PostOakBlvd
- 1535NPostOakRd
- 16398JacintoportBlvd
- 1713TownhurstDr
- 19407ParkRow
- 20411ImperialValleyDr
- 20805FernbushLn
- 2320PeytonRd
- 2600WMountHoustonRd
- 3203SSamHoustonPkwyE
- 3450LangRd
- 3484W11thSt
- 4235RichmondAve
- 4812WOSTDr
- 4816CampbellRd
- 5201HopperRd
- 6111BellfortSt
- 6BerryRd
- 6545NBurlingtonDr
- 711RankinRd
- 7413MesaDr
- 7525WynleaSt
- 8006PinemontDr
- 836AldineMailRouteRd
- 8515NorthFwy
- 8564KatyFwy
- 8777TallyhoRd
- 8810EmmottRd
- 9400BambooRd
- 10005WSamHoustonPkwyN
- 10894ShadowWoodDr
- 13835ChrismanRd1
- 16261HollisterSt
- 1824SpringSt
- 18927AldineWestfieldRd
- 20555StateHighway249
- 255FallbrookDr
- 4610BrittmooreRd
- 4680BlalockRd
- 5171AshleyCt
- 5610ForneyDr
- 5719ClintonDr
- 600W6thSt
- 601W6thSt
- 7225WSamHoustonPkwyN
- 770NSamHoustonPkwyE
- 8755WindfernRd
- 9710BentOakDr
- 11303 Trudeau Dr
- 15006 Walters Rd
- 15102 Lantern Creek Ln
- 5023 Peebles Dr
- 17281 John F Kennedy Blvd
- 8703 Telephone Rd
- 10200 Richmond Ave
- 11100 Brittmoore Park Dr
- 1160 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 100
- 1199 E Nasa Pkwy
- 1535 West Loop S
- 16666 Northchase Dr 384
- 16800 Imperial Valley Dr
- 1775 Saint James Pl Ste 268
- 222 Pennbright Dr
- 2900 Weslayan St 360
- 330 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
- 4801 Woodway Dr
- 4900 Woodway Dr
- 50 Briar Hollow Ln
- 519 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
- 5450 NW Central Dr
- 5950 N Course Dr
- 6401 Southwest Fwy
- 654 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
- 808 Travis St 295
- 8230 Antoine Dr
- 9555 W Sam Houston Pkwy S
- 9651 Katy Fwy
- 9807 Katy Fwy
- 11777 Katy Fwy
- 12707 North Fwy
- 1300 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 300
- 14340 Torrey Chase Blvd
- 1445 Langham Creek Dr
- 17625 El Camino Real
- 440 Benmar Dr
- 4605 Post Oak Place Dr
- 6001 Savoy Dr Ste 400
- 7604 Kempwood Dr
- 9251 Park South Vw
- 9888 Bissonnet St
- 10000 Northwest Fwy
- 6102 Westheimer Rd
- 11210 North Fwy
- 2201 Telephone Rd
- 2110 Federal Rd
- 8419 Tewantin Dr
- 10110 Fairbanks N Houston Rd
- 1120 Goodnight Trl
- 11926 Brittmoore Park Dr
- 17015 Park Row
- 2438 Greens Rd
- 425 N Wayside Dr
- 5151 Tacoma Dr
- 6315 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
- 6900 Thrustmaster Dr
- 7047 W Greens Rd
- 8017 Breen Dr
- 9411 Wallisville Rd
- 9803 Sheldon Rd
- 18703 Intercontinental Crossing Dr
- 19423 Aldine Westfield Rd
- 6327 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
- 8655 Golden Spike Ln
- 1800 W 26th St
- 2051 Greenhouse Rd
- 1325 La Concha Ln
- 12455 Veterans Memorial Dr 240
- 15500 Vintage Preserve Pkwy
- 7851 South Loop E
- 5603 S Rice Ave
- 10880 Bissonnet St
- 1105 Clear Lake City Blvd
- 1801 S Dairy Ashford Rd
- 618 E Tidwell Rd
- 8050 Westheimer Rd
- 11950 Perry Rd
- 2735 Fondren Rd
- 2801 Fondren Rd
- 5406 Airline Dr
- 6215 Harrisburg Blvd
- 6628 Wilcrest Dr
- 1002 Noble Energy Way
- 12120 Bammel North Houston Rd
- 12424 Bellaire Blvd 145
- 17955 North Fwy
- 12734 Tanner Rd
- 4016 Shadrack St
- 7075 FM 1960 Rd W
- 14097 Westheimer Rd
- 16250 State Highway 249
- 17939 Kieth Harrow Blvd
- 6006 North Fwy
- 1010 Travis St
- 1616 Milam St 1520
- 800 Preston St
- 1101 Uptown Park Blvd
- 12430 State Highway 249
- 14615 Beechnut St
- 2400 Mid Ln
- 3301 Tidwell Rd
- 11037 FM 1960 Rd W
- 200 W Greens Rd
- 3115 West Loop S
- 6102 Scott St
- 10 Century Plaza Dr
- 14212 Interdrive W
- 9325 Harwin Dr
- 12218 Cutten Rd
- 10333 Katy Fwy
- 1530 West Loop S
- 325 FM 1960 Rd
- 10661 Rockley Rd
- 11539 N Houston Rosslyn Rd
- 12221 N Lake Houston Pkwy
- 1330 Hahlo St 1
- 1499 Post Oak Blvd
- 1535 N Post Oak Rd
- 16398 Jacintoport Blvd
- 1713 Townhurst Dr
- 19407 Park Row
- 20411 Imperial Valley Dr
- 20805 Fernbush Ln
- 2320 Peyton Rd
- 2600 W Mount Houston Rd
- 3203 S Sam Houston Pkwy E
- 3450 Lang Rd
- 3484 W 11th St
- 4235 Richmond Ave
- 4812 W O S T Dr
- 4816 Campbell Rd
- 5201 Hopper Rd
- 6 Berry Rd
- 6111 Bellfort St
- 6545 N Burlington Dr
- 711 Rankin Rd
- 7413 Mesa Dr
- 7525 Wynlea St
- 8006 Pinemont Dr
- 836 Aldine Mail Route Rd
- 8515 North Fwy
- 8564 Katy Fwy
- 8777 Tallyho Rd
- 8810 Emmott Rd
- 9400 Bamboo Rd
- 10005 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
- 10894 Shadow Wood Dr
- 13835 Chrisman Rd 1
- 16261 Hollister St
- 1824 Spring St
- 18927 Aldine Westfield Rd
- 20555 State Highway 249
- 255 Fallbrook Dr
- 4610 Brittmoore Rd
- 4680 Blalock Rd
- 5171 Ashley Ct
- 5610 Forney Dr
- 5719 Clinton Dr
- 600 W 6th St
- 601 W 6th St
- 7225 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
- 770 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
- 8755 Windfern Rd
- 9710 Bent Oak Dr
- Unknown
- 5590 State Route 47
- 3918 Pinemont Dr
- 22 E McNutt St
- 4488 Williamsville Rd
- 2434 Lidstone St 32
- 8301 Comal St
- 5105 Polk St 4
- 1621 Capron St
- 2542 Cromwell St
- 3414 Ozark St
- 93 Wharton St
- 3414 Ozark St
- 2045 W Pike St
- 501 Western Ave
- 213 Vandale Dr
- 501 Western Ave
- 213 Vandale Dr
- 501 Western Ave
- 213 Vandale Dr
- 10114 Katy Fwy
- 10615 S Gessner Rd
- 11307 W Little York Rd
- 11333 FM 529 Rd
- 12126 Louetta Rd
- 12245 Northwood Forest Dr
- 12310 Perry Rd
- 12450 Beamer Rd
- 12555 Northborough Dr
- 12623 McNair St
- 12670 Veterans Memorial Dr
- 12690 Whittington Dr
- 13504 Almeda School Rd
- 13827 Gainesville St
- 13911 Van Wall St 154
- 14132 Schroeder Rd 222
- 1508 Bingle Rd
- 16125 Rippling Water Dr
- 16505 Westheimer Rd
- 17635 W Little York Rd
- 17730 Kieth Harrow Blvd
- 1850 W 43rd St
- 1921 Hollister St
- 2100 W 18th St
- 2240 Blalock Rd
- 2515 Washington Ave
- 2840 W Sam Houston Pkwy S 1300
- 3202 Weslayan St
- 3480 Ella Blvd 612
- 3510 Ella Blvd
- 3800 Highway 6 S
- 4250 Southwest Fwy
- 5655 Addicks Satsuma Rd
- 5819 Victory Dr 253
- 8252 Westheimer Rd 600
- 8320 Alabonson Rd 349
- 8518 Highway 6 S
- 8902 Jones Rd
- 9219 Boone Rd
- 9419 Buffalo Speedway
- 9441 Cullen Blvd
- 9505 Meyer Forest Dr 386
- 9831 W Bellfort Ave
- 9840 Bissonnet St
- 9960 Buffalo Speedway
- 1208 Dixie Farm Rd
- 12121 Westheimer Rd
- 12555 Dairy Ashford Rd
- 12921 Kuykendahl Rd
- 13911 Van Wall St
- 2175 W 34th St
- 3106 Telge St
- 3200 W Dallas St
- 5414 Calhoun Rd
- 7979 N Eldridge Pky
- 9447 Cullen Blvd
- 11010 Old Katy Rd
- 11333 FM-529
- 1208 Dixie Farm Rd
At Closing, Recent Sellers Have Said:
Richard & Christina said, “Had 2 houses. Downsize. Very relieved-extra mortgage off our plate. And a little sad.”
Barry said, “Big storm wiped out everything in the back yard.”
Maria said, “Gracias Jean, gracias Jean. Me diste mucha confianza para trabajar contigo.”
Tom said, “Very personable & very honest. Need a lot of upgrades. Great opportunity to sell the house as is”
About Diamond Equity Investments
Diamond Equity Investments is a privately held home buyer seeking new acquisitions in Horsham, Howard, & Houston. Discover the quick & easy solution for selling a house fast. We will buy your house, condo, land, or apartment building in it’s current condition. We buy property that is move-ready, rent ready, or even needing a full renovation. Vacant or occupied, with a tenant that is paying or NOT paying makes no difference. You Just Sell it As Is & walk away with cash. Request an instant online quote now.
Diamond Equity Investments is the exclusive sponsor of the Neighborhood Beautification Program. The Mission of the Neighborhood Beautification Program is to buy & renovate the outdated, vacant, or otherwise distressed houses and make Your Neighborhood Even Better! Anonymously refer local Houston vacant properties, or houses needing renovation at www.ReferAHouse.org.